
Oct 11, 2019

Air-to-Air Photography in the Chugach Mountains

Air-to-air photo shoots are not easy. The subject plane and chase helicopter both fly at high speed. The scenery whizzes by. And you need to supremely trust both pilots to prioritize maintaining safe separation over any other concern, including getting in position for the best shot.

May 9, 2019

Strandline Lake In Winter

Within an hour flight of Anchorage lie two of the largest ice-dammed lakes in the world. In an age of thinning glacial ice, these rare natural spectacles could vanish at any time. I make it a point to photograph them both summer and winter.

Apr 10, 2019

Wind Painting on the Susitna Duck Flats

I experiment with a new technique called timelapse stacking–and come back quite pleased with the results.

Behind The Lens

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Bob Kaufman