Behind the Scenes

Apr 5, 2019

Aerial Photography Among Alaska’s High Peaks

In this post and short video, I describe the challenge of aerial photography from a helicopter in one of the world’s most demanding aviation environments: an unforgiving otherworld of rock and ice nearly three miles into the earth’s atmosphere above Alaska.

Mar 26, 2019

Spring Avalanche on Carmen Lake

A colossal pile of dirt, rock, snow and ice had avalanched off the adjacent mountain face and spread over the frozen surface of the lake. The ice had shattered into fractal patterns, as though nature’s hand had used a vegetable chopper to slice and dice the surface into polygons of every configuration.

Sep 4, 2018

The Kichatnas

Big walls and big mountains are a problematic subject to photograph. They are unlike anything most people have ever seen. When you fly face-to-face with them—getting batted and bounced around like a fly in a gale—you feel overwhelmed by their sheer scale.

Aug 22, 2018

After The Jökulhlaup at Blockade Lake

Photographing near glaciers and icebergs is a bit of a game of fatal attraction. The colors and composition possibilities are endless. But the closer you get, the more you gamble.

Aug 13, 2018

Lesson Learned at Lake George Glacier

I was alone in the wilderness, a long ways from help, so in the spirit of “speed is safety,” I worked quickly to set up my camera and tripod. The last thing I remember was extending the neck of the tripod for a higher angle of view.

Jul 25, 2018

Flying a Helicopter in Alaska

I started out as a fixed wing pilot and then learned to fly helicopter. It’s a huge time investment–but worth it for the places I can get to. Here are photos of the types of places I land.

Behind The Lens

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Bob Kaufman